commentary poetry


There’s something irreplaceable about a man who fights for you.

He knows when to work for your smile, but also when to give you space.
His greatest frustration is your tears, just as your missed dreams are his fears.
No journey is too far for him to get to you because your presence is worth traveling a lifetime for.
Talking to you is never a pain because he lives to feel connected to you.
Ask him for anything and he’ll find a way to give it to you or die trying.
Pleasing you pleases him, so giving 150% of himself becomes him giving 150% to himself.
He makes promises and keeps them.
He never lies, never abuses, never leaves you feeling unappreciated.
In fact, he wants to tell the world you’re his and he’s never letting you go.
This is the man I dream of. And because I’m an irreplaceable chick I deserve him.

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