
Cleveland Dad, Suburban Mom (my version of Rich Dad, Poor Dad).

The other morning while in the shower – where I do all my best thinking – I thought about what my Rich Dad, Poor Dad story was. What created a duality in my identity? The answer for me was pretty easy, being raised by my Suburban Mom, while spending weekends with my Cleveland Dad. IContinue Reading “Cleveland Dad, Suburban Mom (my version of Rich Dad, Poor Dad).”

Friday Top Five

July 14, 2017.

Welcome to Friday’s Top Five: a new, recurring Friday review of things I learned through the week. Or, in other words, something to ponder when I can’t think of anything funny. Friday is the perfect time to reflect on everything you’ve learned and prepare for your next Hulu marathon. But before the weekend officially hits,Continue Reading “July 14, 2017.”

Guest Contributor

I Am Not A Cat Lady: The Bad Night, Part 2.

My first Friday night with the cats began in a fashion that was quickly becoming familiar: just as I was on the verge of zonking out, I sensed something approaching, my heart started thumping…and sure enough, a furry paw poked my face, causing me to let out an alarmed gasp. I don’t remember if itContinue Reading “I Am Not A Cat Lady: The Bad Night, Part 2.”


The modern woman according to Blanche Devereaux. (Season 7, Episode 16)

“I don’t want to be treated as your equal. I want to be treated a lot better than you.” Blanche Devereaux made me sit up when she said these words. No, I wasn’t up in arms, I was in full agreement. What felt wrong and contradictory to say, was said plainly. Suddenly, I felt itContinue Reading “The modern woman according to Blanche Devereaux. (Season 7, Episode 16)”

Monday Mindfulness

There are challenges ahead.

It’s easy to look at the road ahead and see nothing but obstacles. Trying days at work. Overwhelming workouts. Emotional roadblocks. And I’m not going to lie to you. There are challenges ahead. You’ve just got to make sure the challenges you face are the ones worth overcoming. The way I see it, there areContinue Reading “There are challenges ahead.”

Spoiler Saturdays

The Keys.

I’m impressed by DJ Khaled’s consistency. Reading The Keys was like watching his snapchats, but with explanations. Meaningful explanations. If you follow DJ Khaled, you know a few important things: he’s positive, he loves his fans and his life, and he has a lot of catchy phrases. We the best. Fan luv. Lion. Boomin’. TheContinue Reading “The Keys.”