
Brown sugar high.

As I’ve mentioned before, I feel like there are whole chunks of my past missing. Nothing overly traumatic, just a bunch of things my mind didn’t care to remember. It’s frustrating because I want to take part in the nostalgia I see most people with. I want to talk about where I came from andContinue Reading “Brown sugar high.”



I’m stuck. The news, social media posts, and stories I’ve encountered this week are oxygen to the flames of my rage and my writing is going up in smoke. Sometimes I feel like the hard times can be the best muses, but all of this? This is suffocating. Just as I was starting to free myContinue Reading “Stuck.”


Ugh. Racists.

Sigh. I really didn’t want to talk about this, but it feels irresponsible not to. I’ve been compartmentalizing my blackness. It’s become second nature to me, but this past weekend has been making me itch so bad. Sunday afternoon, I walked my garbage to the curb for the hundredth time in years and saw aContinue Reading “Ugh. Racists.”


Man, I love them strippas.

Since I’m a relatively free woman, I reserve the right not to be boxed in. In fact, I demand it. So, even though today is Friday, I’m gonna write about what I feel like writing about. This isn’t Friday’s Top Five, but instead the tale of what I did yesterday. A tale of two poles. LetContinue Reading “Man, I love them strippas.”


Writing blues.

I’m reading Stephen King’s On Writing: A Memoir of the Craft and I’m really into it. Even though I can’t claim to have read a page of his other books, I can assign him the appropriate amount of reverence. He’s obviously been a big name in the business for decades, and he’s still spreading to NetflixContinue Reading “Writing blues.”