
Talking and talking but not sayin’ nothin’.

The fact that I blog may lead you to think I enjoy talking about other people’s business. Blogs are commonly associated with sharing intimate details, whether that be about someone else’s life or your own. And while I definitely value opening up about topics that tend to be more difficult or closed off, I don’tContinue Reading “Talking and talking but not sayin’ nothin’.”


It’s gonna be a why Christmas.

Becki is on vacation this week so I figure I’ll talk to you about a little problem I’m having. What do you do when the main person who makes Christmas Christmas suggests that they won’t be around this December 25th? I’m having visions of waking up to turn on the parade and then damning allContinue Reading “It’s gonna be a why Christmas.”


Man, I love them strippas.

Since I’m a relatively free woman, I reserve the right not to be boxed in. In fact, I demand it. So, even though today is Friday, I’m gonna write about what I feel like writing about. This isn’t Friday’s Top Five, but instead the tale of what I did yesterday. A tale of two poles. LetContinue Reading “Man, I love them strippas.”